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Papaya, Papita (Hybrid)- Plant


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Availability: 100 in stock



Papaya is a popular fruit famous for its high nutritive and medicinal properties.

Papaya plants can be male, female, or bisexual. Papaya is a perennial plant. Rarely, the seeds fail to germinate because seed viability is completely lost in about 50 days. The seed rate is 250 to 300 gm/hectare. It comes to fruit in a year.

Planting And Care

  • Avoid sandy and sticky or heavy clay soils.
  • Apply fertilizer twice a year, first at the beginning of monsoon and second in the later part.
  • For the attack of spider mites, aphids, grasshoppers use the prophylactic sprays.
Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 30 cm


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